One can request articles as required using this API endpoint.
POST /content/article/{content-model-id}/
Authentication: Token <user-generated-token>
"article": "cards / cards-html / continuous / continuous-html / sectioned / sectioned-html",
"params": "json encoded string with following definition",
"preview": false,
"id": "Optional article id (v4 uuid) to retrieve previously generated article."
JSON encoded string for params
is the set of parameters required for the content model and as requested by the models query.
"key(available in ‘key’ field in model response payload)": "data (appropriate user data)",
"key(available in ‘key’ field in model response payload)": "data(appropriate user data)"
"success": true,
"article": {
"html": "This attribute is present only if requested type is one of continuous-html / sectioned-continuous-html",
"text": "This attribute is present only if requested type is one of continuous / sectioned-continuous and contains a new line separated text",
"cards": [
"html": "Only this if requested type is cards-html else others",
"text": "Only if requested type is cards",
"title": "Title of the card",
"subheading": "Subheading of the card"
"id": "Article id (v4 uuid) to retrieve same article. Aimed to provide the article for which the preview was created.",
"code": 123,
"message": "some message explaining code and status"
curl -X POST '<model_id>/' -d 'article=sectioned-html¶ms={"source":"Maruti Baleno"}' -H 'Authorization: Token <your-auth-token-generated-above>'